Not Your Average Gratitude List

Thank goodness Thanksgiving is over! There, I said it. Because I’m simply not a fan. I don’t like pecan pie or green bean casserole or yams simmering under melted marshmallows. And now that another Turkey day is in the books, I can focus on what I’m truly grateful for. It sounds strange, I know, like some sort of retroactive gratitude. But who doesn’t notice more clearly the abundance in their lives after a break from professional responsibilities? Slowing down allows us to reconnect with the people and experiences we truly appreciate, the moments that have contributed to our positive outlook or our life view or our straight up happiness. So here’s my gratitude confession: I love my family, my friends, my students (though, let’s be real, some individuals have been challenging), and I love the water. I’m fascinated by the ocean, find energy and strength walking on the beach in the Bahamas mesmerized by the bluest water I’ve ever seen, and feel peace sitting near the window a...