If You Don't Know Where You're Going. . .

At 9, I wanted to be a painter, and at 10, an actress. By 16, my aspirations had shifted and I believed I could best contribute to my community by becoming a communist. Just kidding -- I wanted to be a social worker. At 16 1/2, after a conversation with my then brother-in-law during which he counseled me against the profession and did, honestly, cause me to reflect on what I truly wanted, that goal changed as well: I would study law -- fascinating, logical, respected -- and focus on family law, children's welfare. Through the judicial system, I would assist those in need. Then I went to college. And while not everything changed, everything changed. I entered studying English because succeeding in high school English classes hadn't required much effort and English seemed a solid major for a pre-law student. I had earlier disavowed math (a long, unfortunate story) so chose to study foreign language at BYU as a way of bypassing college mathematics and fulfilling a GE requirement...