Changing perspectives

As I sit in the dental office waiting for my son's treatment to be completed, I want to sink into my chair, place my head in my hands, close my eyes and exhale loudly. But I won't. Because while I mostly despise dentists, I think I should respect the space and remain calm -- the 10 X 10 waiting room with three faux leather chairs and one plastic treasure chest of goodies for children who successfully complete a check up without crying or asking Siri to phone 911 is not the best place for an I'm on overload breakdown. Plus, the door is made almost entirely of glass, so anyone venturing to another office in the medical building would see my sorry why-me-why-now self. So I'll remain calm. And instead I'll visit Starbuck's after the appointment and devise a plan while 80's soundtracks play on the audio system. I'll try on new perspectives, integrate a coaching technique I learned over my most recent amazing and amazingly busy weekend at CTI. First I'l...